We would like to express our warm welcome to you. We endeavour to provide excellent services to the local community.
From 1 July 2018, lawyers are required to comply with AML law requirements. This law requires lawyers to do a number of things to help combat money laundering and terrorist financing. We are required to undertake certain background checks before providing services to clients, and the information which we require include proof of your identity and your residential address. We may also need to ask you about the nature and purpose of the proposed work you are asking us to do for you. Information confirming the source of funds for a transaction may also be necessary to meet the legal requirements.
George Guo Lawyer and/or any associated persons do not accept any responsibility for any loss arising from using this website, including its content and information and materials. Nothing in this website is intended to replace any legal advice which you should personally seek from a lawyer. This website is only for general reference.
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